Private Cloud

Private Cloud Solution’s For Core Infrastructure, Software | Public Cloud Server

Private cloud provides a high level of security and privacy to data through firewalls and internal hosting. It also ensures that operational and sensitive data are not accessible to third-party providers. OpenStack, Rancher Harvester, KubeVirt, and OpenStack Helm are the example of a private cloud.
OpenStack is a free, open standard cloud computing platform. It is mostly deployed as infrastructure-as-a-service in both public and private clouds where virtual servers and other resources are made available to users.
Harvester is the next generation of hyperconverged infrastructure designed for the modern cloud-native environment. Completely open-source and free to use, Harvester easily integrates into Rancher helping operators consolidate workloads and reduce the complexity of their infrastructure.
KubeVirt technology addresses the needs of development teams that have adopted or want to adopt Kubernetes but possess existing Virtual Machine-based workloads that cannot be easily containerized. More specifically, the technology provides a unified development platform where developers can build, modify, and deploy applications residing in both Application Containers as well as Virtual Machines in a common, shared environment.
OpenStack Helm is a project that provides Helm charts for deploying OpenStack services on a Kubernetes cluster. Contrail Insights can be deployed to monitor both the Kubernetes resources as well as the OpenStack resources from a single Dashboard.

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